Our Mission

Our mission is to contribute to the fundamental research required for the development of a sustainable society using clean and renewable energy sources for generations to come.



Our Vision

“To ease our society into a sustainable future” – Tyler G.P. Lewis



Our Story

The Tyler Lewis Clean Energy Research Foundation has been established by his parents, in loving memory of Tyler G. P. Lewis, to fund alternative energy and applied sustainability research initiatives. Tyler grew up in rural British Columbia and was taught the importance of environmental awareness from a young age. Tyler recognized the world’s impending energy crisis and had a strong “desire to leave this planet in a better position for future generations”. Tyler believed that as an engineer, “it is our duty to address global issues, such as climate change, in a manner that is environmentally and socially sound.” – Tyler G. P. Lewis

To honor Tyler and acknowledge the value of his personal commitment to conserve and sustain the natural state of our environment a financial grant will be awarded annually to an innovative project in the clean energy research field.

The Tyler Lewis Clean Energy Research Foundation, [TLCERF], was established in January of 2013. Charitable Gifts Funds Canada [CGFC] is the custodial foundation that holds all TLCERF funds in trust. CGFC also assures compliance and all required financial filings with the Canada Revenue Agency. Royal Bank of Canada Dominion Securities is the financial institution responsible for the investment portfolio. Through the generosity of our financial advisor, Dr. Patrick O’Brien, who is donating his RBCDS commissions back to the foundation, the volunteerism of the TLCERF board and advisors and the low CGFC management fees, approximately 95% of all donated moneys go directly to the TLCERF for support of the annual grants.

If you would like to support Tyler’s Foundation please make a donation here:
Directors and Fundraisers Photography donated by Pledge Photography http://emilypledge.com